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full groom
The four legged version of a cut, wash and blow dry. Including nail trimmings.

Starting from £45...
Bichone Frise | Dachshund | Jackapoo | King Charles Spaniel | Lhaso Apso | Maltese | Miniature Schnauzer
Scottie | Shih Tzu | Toy Poodle | Westie | Yorkshire Terrier

Starting from £48...
Bedlington Terrier | Border Terrier | Cairn Terrier | Cockerpoo | Miniature Poodle | Springer Spaniel​
Standard Schnauzer | Wirefox Terrier

Starting from £55...
Airedale | Bearded Collie | German Shepherd | Giant Schnauzer | Labradoodle | Labrador
Old English Sheepdog | Standard Poodle
If a dog is badly matted an additional £10 will be charged
Nail Trimming Only - £10
Micro Chipping - £20
Hand Stripping - From £65
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